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Stage2 - Analyze existing systems

This is necessary whether you are speeding up existing processing or you are creating new processing.


  1. List existing input data
  2. List existing processing and output data
  3. It’s OK if your objective is a new system
  4. Useful Links

List existing input data

For each input file list each field (name, length coding). Note which fields are key fields. Note also the overall organisation of the file.

List existing processing and output data

Processing can include selecting certain types of input records for processing and ignoring others (such as zero quantity).

Processing includes accessing details files (such as Customer file) using a customer key, in order to obtain the customer name, address and other details.

It’s OK if your objective is a new system

GenveaERS can create new processing using existing data in your company. In this case you analyze the ewxisting input data and the required outpout data with calculations.

GenevaERS allows you to develop new processing very quickly becuase GenveaERS does most of the programming for you.

Useful Links

Next topic: Stage3 - Design batch flows Previous topic: Stage1 - Define goal