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03 - Lessons Guide

  • Lesson A - Simple report - Read a Sales file to create report: Sales by customer number. While this report is not useful, this solution teaches beginner aspects of our product.

  • Lesson B - Add lookup to report - Modify Lesson A to read a Customer file so report is now: Sales by Customer name.

  • Lesson C - Speed the lookup - Modify Lesson B to run faster. This is the first speed technique (of many).

  • Lesson D - Modify Lesson C to read a Product file so report is: Sales by customer name and product name.

  • Lesson E - Create a second report: Sales by product name.

  • Lesson F - Run both Lesson D and Lesson E in parallel. This is another speed technique.

Let’s get started with: A01 - Lesson A - START HERE.

Next: A01 - Lesson A - START HERE Previous: 02 - Introduction