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Goal3 - Make possible complex reports

At some time, every IT department has told a business team that a certain report is not possible because it would take too long to run. This typically happens when the reporting involves many reference files where:

  1. A key from a transaction record accesses the first reference file and
  2. A key in the first reference file accesses a second reference file.
  3. With enough layers of reference files the processing can be very slow.

This is where our product is most useful. Many report programs have the problem of re-reading the same data multiple times - see the example of one million unnecessary reads in: What is GenevaERS? Our product is called “Single-Pass” because it can produce multiple complex reports using a single scan of the source data. GenevaERS was used to detect fraud in historical records of airline tickets using just this technique.

If you think some batch process is “impossible”, try our product.

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