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GVBMR91 Parameter File Syntax

Format: MR91PARM file

     └─INPUT_TYPE=DB2────┤ db2 parameters ├─┘




     ▼                            │
►──────┤ selected output-option ├─┴─────────────────────────────────────────────►

►────┤ general options ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────►◄

db2 parameters:




selected output-option:


general options:



Format: WBXMLS file

     │ ┌─────────────┐ │                                                        
     │ ▼             │ │                                                        

Note: If the WBXMLS file is empty, all members are selected.

Format: VDPXMLS file

     │ ┌─────────────┐ │                                                        
     │ ▼             │ │                                                        

Note: If the VDPXMLS file is empty, all members are selected.

Format: DBFLDRS file

     │ ┌───────────┐ │                                                        
     │ ▼           │ │                                                        

Format: DBVIEWS file

     │ ┌─────────┐ │                                                        
     │ ▼         │ │                                                        

Note: If INPUT_TYPE=DB2, then the DBVIEWS file is checked. If it is empty or missing, then the DBFLDRS file is checked. If it is empty or missing, then an error is displayed.

Format: RUNVIEWS file

     │ ┌─────────┐ │                                                        
     │ ▼         │ │                                                        

Note: If the RUNVIEWS file is empty, all views are selected.

db2-subsystem This is the name of the Db2 subsystem where your metadata resides. (For example, DM12.)

db2-schema This is the name of the Db2 schema where your metadata resides. (For example, GENDEV.)

db2-environment-id This is the environment ID (such as 15) of the location of the GenevaERS views to be selected.