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Syntax: function BATCHDATE

How do I use BATCHDATE?

The BATCHDATE returns a date in CCYYMMDD format that is when the view is run. The group of views all running in the same batch in the Performance Engine all use the same BATCHDATE.

The parameter for BATCHDATE is a number of days to add or delete from the default BATCHDATE. For example, BATCHDATE(-5) provides the day five days before the date the view is run.

BATCHDATE can only be used in Extract Record Filter or Extract Column Assignment logic text.

(Syntax Legend)



Rules for the syntax

BATCHDATE can only be used in Extract Record Filter or Extract Column Assignment logic text.

See also topic: Rules for all Logic Text

Examples: BATCHDATE function in Extract Record Filter

Example logic text Meaning
IF ({field1} < BATCHDATE(-7))
Skip any input records where field1 is more than
7 days before the date of running this view.
Select all other records.
This example can also be written:
SKIPIF({field1} < BATCHDATE(-7))

Examples: BATCHDATE function in Extract Column Assignment

Example logic text Meaning
COLUMN = BATCHDATE() Set the current column to the date
that this view is run.
COLUMN = BATCHDATE(-7) Set the current column to the date
that is 7 days before the view is run.
COLUMN = {Lookup3.Field4,BATCHDATE(-32)) Set the current column to Field4 found by Lookup3
as of 32 days before the view is run.